Science Communication - Pitching Your Science

  • Friday, April 12, 2024
  • 12:00 PM
  • Virtual (Zoom and Youtube)


Registration is closed

Join us for our Professional Development workshop: 

Science Communication: Pitching Your Science.

Science communication experts Dr. Monica Javidnia and Ellen Wagner will lead an interactive workshop on how to pitch your science in any setting and the psychology of poster visualizations.

Interested in improving your science communication skills? Join Us! Friday, April 12th, 12 - 1:30PM EST.

"Flyer for Black In Neuro Professional Development workshop. Top, centered, text that reads "Black In Neuro. Science Communication: Pitching Your Science". Middle left shows headshot photos of Dr Monica Javidnia and Ellen Wagner. Dr Javidnia is pictured from the torso up, smiling at the camera with brown, wavy hair and wearing a black turtleneck blouse. Ellen is shown neck up, smiling with blonde hair. Middle left, text that reads: "Science communication experts Dr Monica Javidnia and Ellen Wagner will lead an interactive workshop on how to pitch your science in any setting and the psychology of poster visualizations." Underneath is the BIN logo. Middle bottom of flyer shows a QR code to the registration link on the left, with text on the right that reads: "Please register to attend:"