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Black In Neuro

celebrating Black excellence in neuroscience-related fields

BIN Seminar Series: Dr. Monique Mendes

  • Friday, September 03, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


BIN Seminar Series: Dr. Monique Mendes

Join us for our next Black In Neuro Seminar! This time, we'll hear from Dr. Monique Mendes, an accomplished Neuroscientist presenting a talk titled, "Discussion about the challenges and rewards as the first Black Woman Ph.D. in Neuroscience at my institution."

When: Friday, September 3, 2021
9 AM PT | 12 PM ET | 5 PM GMT

About Dr. Monique Mendes:

Dr. Monique Mendes is originally from Kingston, Jamaica. She received her degree in Biology at the University of Florida. Monique came to the University of Rochester in search of a robust neuroscience program that focused on glial biology and a collaborative environment. In the laboratory of Dr. Ania Majewska, Monique is researching how specific brain cells, microglia, undergo a process called self-renewal. Monique successfully defended her thesis on July 31st 2020 and will continue her career as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Dr. Mark Schnitzer's lab at the Stanford University.

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